Peace on Earth
Mimi emailed me the other day with a fabulous idea she come up with called Dona nobis pacem in the Blogosphere. After recent nuclear tests in North Korea, Another plane hitting a building in NYC, mayhem in Iraq and all the other problems around the world, Mimi's idea is to have a "World Peace" day on Nov 7 2006. She may not be able to achieve complete world peace (I wish she could), but she is making a start by trying to have a day of peace in the Bloggersphere.
Always wanting to be part of a great idea, I am jumping on board and am going to post "Dona Nobis Pacem" on Nov 7. If you would like to be part of Mimi's movement, please click the link above or go to Mimi's blog for more info.
Always wanting to be part of a great idea, I am jumping on board and am going to post "Dona Nobis Pacem" on Nov 7. If you would like to be part of Mimi's movement, please click the link above or go to Mimi's blog for more info.
Hi Rhys,
I'll be getting this globe in the Peace Globe Gallery too! (with appropriate linking of course. Glad you jumped on this idea too. I think it's great.
wow, what a cool idea! one person can really change the world, its possible!
cool blog!
Hi Rhys. Thank you for posting about the Peace Globe. You are a great encouragement to me and other bloggers in your own efforts to unite. I can't wait until November 7th!
One person, alone, can't change the world... but all together we can!
(If you think you're too small to be effective, you've never been to bed with a mosquito - Anne Roddick, Body Shop founder)
'Many little things done by many little people will change the face of the world' (quote from Amnesty International - photo on my wall)
Let's go for it!
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