Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Dona Nobis Pacem

...which loosely translates to 'Grant us Peace'.

Today is Mimi Lenox's Blogblast for Peace day. Today is the day we forget our troubles, put down our guns, open our doors and make peace.

Today, I challenge you to smile at someone you don't know and just 'Hi'. It is not a big thing to ask, and won't cost you a cent. If you are really brave you could make up a sign like the guy in the video in my previous post below and walk around offering people 'free hugs'.

I once read a very inspiring book called Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom. It is a true story about two men, one called Morrie who is dying of a degenerative muscle disease, and the other called Mitch. Mitch realizes that he does not have much time to spend with his good friend Morrie, and makes the effort to make this little time as precious as possible. Anyway, in the book Morrie tells about rather than waiting until after he dies, he decides to hold his funeral beforehand, so he is here to listen to all those things people come along to funerals to say when it is too late.

I'm not suggesting you hold an early funeral, but why not telling someone how they really mean to you, before it is too late! After they are dead, you will never have a chance again, and you will regret it for the rest of your life.

So go on, make that peace!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved Tuesdays with Morrie, too, Rhys, and never felt so much peace and love towards others as after reading that book (not even the Bible made me feel so much peace.) Very meaningful post.

11/08/2006 12:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a beautiful book, Rhys. And this is an inspirational post. You're right, we should tell others how we feel about them. :-)

11/08/2006 8:07 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Dear Rhys!

Wishing PEACE for you and the ones you love from Germany...


11/08/2006 11:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Life is to short for what ifs..especially if we don't make the effort to help this world become a peaceful place to live...your post is lovely, thank you for sharing..Peace to you and yours...m

11/08/2006 1:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peace to you from 5 peace loving cats in New Zealand

11/08/2006 1:14 PM  
Blogger Meowers from Missouri said...

a blessing on your head, for the peace that we all desire!

peaceful purrs from
nelson, edmund, nitro, & xing lu

11/08/2006 1:36 PM  
Blogger B.R.L said...

Thank you for your advise to tell those you care about how you feel about them. Peace.

11/08/2006 2:53 PM  
Blogger Annelisa said...

Thanks Reeholio - An inspiring Peace-day post!

Personally, I've been telling people how feel about them for years (probably because it was too late for my dad & brother) and I've found it has the loveliest effect. People don't expect to be complimented, or told that so-and-so said something nice about them.

So, when they hear a nice comment, they don't know how to react! I've seen the 'toughest' smart-arse go to mush, just by telling them I thought something they did was kinda nice, or passing on to them a complimentary word I'd heard.

There's usually this blank look on their face first, like they can't believe what you're saying (imagine the open-mouth, and semi-frown whilst they try to puzzle it... :-)), before the smile...

Anyway, it works for me...

11/08/2006 5:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your challenge is actually a daily habit of mine. I smile at everyone and anyone all the time. That's why people think I'm loony. HAHA! :p

Wishing never-ending peace and joy to you and your loved ones! Woohoo!c",)

11/08/2006 5:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

happy belated peace day :)

11/08/2006 9:11 PM  
Blogger Terra Shield said...

Tuesdays With Morrie was a wonderful book. I loved it too, and cried a bit at certain parts.


11/09/2006 7:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have a great blog. Would you like to exchange link with me.

let me know


11/10/2006 9:15 AM  
Blogger Bazza said...

Hi Rhys, a belated wish of peace to you and yours from London.

11/14/2006 6:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to exchange links with you; would you be interested?

11/15/2006 2:56 PM  

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